Fiber Fast Campaign (Lumen)

At Lumen, each campaign is carefully crafted by teams of copywriters and designers. After several rounds of concepting, 4-5 concepts are sent to testing for insights from our target audience. Emotion, message recall and brand recognition are considered for each concept, with the top performer determining what goes into market.

In 2021, I was paired up with a copywriter to create a concept for our Fiber+ campaign, with an emphasis on “fast” internet. We chose to show how “fast” internet can create seamless connections between devices, bringing an IRL flavor to virtual business. Once we locked in our idea, I tackled visuals by masking scenes of people working together within two separate devices. Through strategic choice of imagery and careful masking, I highlighted the human interaction and positioned the technology as a supporting element. My objective here was to show the customer outcome that this campaign promised—an approach that resonated strongly with our audience and thus became the official direction for this two-year campaign.

Concept Testing

  • This ad won highest marks for uniqueness, while it tied with "Fast and Reliability" for relevance, and tied with "Any Size" for overall appeal.  

  • The ad’s emphasis on speed in both the headline, the stat, and the real-world applicability effectively gave users a sense of what Fiber+ is capable of offering.

  • During message recall, the majority of recollections of the ad referenced "faster", "fast", and "speed.” "Lumen" was second, at 27.5% recall, and though it was second within this test, it held the highest percentage of brand recall across all ads. 

Display Ads

Social Media Ads

Web Design


Lumen Technologies - Digital Campaigns


Lumen Technologies - Modernize Your Network